Monday, December 29, 2008

Subtle Changes

I don't know why I felt like writing an explaination...

I've rearranged the sidebar on my blog.

I found that I actually use my blog as a starting point for frequent connections on the internet. I don't always get to use my own computer to connect to the internet. This just works better for me.
So I've pushed my archive down to the bottom because I rarely use that. (Though I am surprised at how much I do use it.)
I actually updated my reading list. And moved it to some more obvious locations.
I updated my listening with a few links that will let you listen to streaming songs. You can listen to Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward in the complete She & Him Vol. 1 album for a limited time on Merge Records. Check out for a very fun website. I love the mouse-over on the main illustration.
And, I've brought my friends up toward the top, mostly so that I don't have to scroll down when I'm looking for the latest thing that has been written.
I added the little Folllower Icons, faces of people who subscribed to my blog.
I added the ability for you to comment on the blog without having to open a separate window.
And, I added some reaction buttons for you to check on each posting if you want to let me know what you think of what I'm writing. I don't know how long I'll keep that.

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