Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hawaii Day 1

Last night we spent the night at the Fate's house in Long Beach. It was fun to finally meet the whole family after hearing about them for so many years. Fred and Ginny are super hospitable! Amazing. Our flight left at 8:30 this morning, and was just a normal flight. I slept for half of it. We arrived, 5 and half hours later at 11:00am. I think that's how it happened. I was asleep.

At first Hawaii looked to me just like another Southern California beach city. But then, we crossed over to the North Shore. It is stunningly beautiful. The weather is so perfect, the colors, the lush jungle vegetation, the warm water. It really is beautiful here. We visited Camp Erdman, a YMCA camp that we will be using for camp. We will start setting up camp on Sunday, the students arrive on Monday. Until then, we are staying at a friend's house about an hour from camp. He and his wife are away right now, but they left their house for us to use while we are here. Again, I am amazed at the hospitality of our friends.

Rich has the the next four days to get tan if he wants to get any respect at all when he stands up in front of all the locals. We're all pretty white from a long winter. It was 8ยบ at Hume just four days ago. I know my skin hasn't seen much sun lately.

When we first got on the camp we crossed the main road into the cabin area where we will be sleeping. If you've watched the TV show Lost, you would recognize this as the Dharma compound. We found a crew setting up a workshop area and building that looked like it was about to burn down. I pulled off a few pictures before a private security officer kicked us out of the area. it was kind of exciting. Hopefully I'll have some more pictures and stories when we actually move in there.

Sassy likes the view.


  1. Soooo . . . Sassy came over with you? She looks good in Hawaii ;-)

    I think I'd like the life of a turtle like that.

  2. The Fates??? Small world! Looks beautiful!

  3. Thanks for sharing Nathan, I got to see Jay through your pictures.
